Full Stack Developer

Full stack developer is one who can work on both front-end and back-end portion of an application. Front-end generally refers to the portion of an application the user will see or interact with, and the back-end is the part of the application that handles the logic, database interactions, user authentication, server configuration, etc. Being a Full-Stack Developer doesn’t mean that you have necessarily mastered everything required to work with the front-end or back-end, but it means that you are able to work on both sides and understand what is going on when building an application.
Technical skills required for full stack developer

  1.  HTML and CSS
  2.  Javascript: JS libraries and frameworks
  3.  Back-End Language: Java, PHP, Python, C#, nodeJs
  4.  Database and Webstorage: SQL, NoSQL (mongoDB)
  5.  HTTP and REST
  6.  Web Application Architecture
  7.  Version control system: GIT or Bit Bucket
  8.  Basic Algorithm and Data Structures

MERN (Mongo, Express, React, Node) Stack developer are quiet common these days

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